Delhi. India


“Become a GREENIE – The Eco Activist of the Future.”​

~ Abhay Goyal

Plant more trees

Trees are extremely beneficial to both our ecosystem and human well-being. They provide us with safe drinking water, clean air to breathe, shade, and food for humans, animals, and plants.

Trees are critical to the global ecology and the health of the animals that dwell there, and they require our undivided attention and protection.

Forests employ nearly 1.6 billion people, absorb toxic carbon from the environment, and are essential elements in 25% of all medicines.

Have you ever used aspirin? It’s derived from tree bark!

A single tree can support hundreds of insect, fungal, moss, animal, and plant species. Trees are an exceptionally beautiful aspect of the natural world, but they are also incredibly efficient machines that are always working to make earth a better planet.

Plant-A-Tree website is an environmental nonprofit on a mission to make it easy for everyone to protect the environment by planting trees!

Every tree planted will reduce more than 48 pounds of CO2 from the atmosphere and emit oxygen in return in one year.


Deforestation is destroying the habitats of 80 percent of the world’s terrestrial plants and animals. Species can become extinct as a result of habitat loss. 

This is not just a catastrophe for biodiversity, but it also has ramifications for medical research and local inhabitants that rely on forest animals and plants for hunting and medicine

Fact #1

 In one year, an average-sized tree produces enough oxygen to sustain a family of four breathing.


Trees boost the value of real estate. Those that are surrounded by trees sell for 18-25 percent more than houses that are not surrounded by trees.